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06/December/2018 Posted by Freddy

        A few updates to the site today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 9: Showdown on a Wasteland World!. Today we've added, Warto to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Lepus carnivorus (Lepi) to the Star Wars D/6 Races Section, Modifed Peregrine-340 airspeeder to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, and Scout ship (Luke Skywalkers) to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section.

        If I ever have time (after I potentially create Clone Wars and Rebels sourcebooks), I'd love to do a Marvel Star Wars Sourcebook, telling some of the tales and providing stat's in broken down sections (so instead of the way I've done it in the Solo: A Star Wars Story Sourcebook, with Equipment, Starships, Characters, etc in their own sections. Telling The story of Aduba-3, but having the relevant stat's embedded within.)

        Oh, well, I've far too many projects on to complete that at the moment, so I can but dream.


Comments made about this Article!

08/Dec/2018 07:52:33 Posted by Clifton Barham

I would like to see you add the stats for the high hounds from this issue. I don't think they have stats anywhere else.

08/Dec/2018 15:49:38 Posted by Freddy

OOh, good point, will get them added a little later on today :)

29/Sep/2021 07:25:17 Posted by princedarkstorm

I love to see sourcebooks on the Marvel Era , Rebels etc. . Keep up the great work !

29/Sep/2021 12:36:04 Posted by Freddy

Spooky timing in that has been occuring to me over the past couple of days.
While I've been working on the backend code of the site over the past couple of days I've been looking at the logs, and realised the Solo RPG Sourcebook I did, gets around 300 downloaded each month, which is a pretty solid number after all this time.
Made me realise if that was still so popular, that the others would be a worthy addition to the site, it is a lot of work though.

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