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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: No

Vetricon EMP Mine

The END-9 was another attempt at using a different approach to deal with enemy
vehicle. Like the EN-4, the END-9 cannot be pciked up by typical mine detectors
because it doesn't use emtal and sues no explosives. Instead the END-9 uses special
cermic casing around a burst EMP emitter which can be revoered and recharged. The
END-9 responds to both pressure and repulsorfields voer it. Though the EMP blast can't
hurt an infantryman who accidently steps on one, his equipment will suffer from the blast
he touches off. The ED-9 is evry effective at disabling it's victimized vehciles, shutting
down almost all electrical signlls in a matter of seconds.

Model: Vetricon Enterprises END-9 EMP Mine
Type: Anti-vehicle mine
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Demolitions
Cost: 1,800
Availability: 2, X
Blast Radius: 4 meters
Damage: 6D (ionization)
Game Notes: the END-9 is not picked up by typical mine detectors.

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