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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: No

Galactic Arms Industries Company's
GAICO GANT (Gauss-Action Needle Thrower)
Weapon Type: Gauss Pistol
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms: Gauss Pistol
Ammo: 30
Availability: 3, R
Body: 1D+1
Range: 3-20/60/180 (3-15/40/120)
Damage: 3D (2D+2)
Cost: 750 cr, 20 cr (clip)
Alternative range and damage are for subsonic setting. In normal setting, darts produce a booming sound when they break the sound barrier, but in subsonic setting the weapon is completely silent except the faint whining sound produced by a flying dart.
Usually needlers use special ammo to enhance damage.
Here's two examples:
A multi-tipped needle. Flies in a single-needle position, but opens into a cross-shaped position when hits a target. The multiple needles inflict very much pain, causing a -1D penalty (only if stunned or more) until the wound is treated. Severe hits from shredders can cause massive bleeding. Shredders have -1D against armor, and have no effect on hard armor (like stormtrooper armor...).
40 cr per clip (3,X)
Needles are tipped with a paralyzing (functions only on humans and most near-humans) poison. If a needle hit causes a wound or more, the victim will be paralyzed after 1-3 (1D/2) rounds, and will remain paralyzed for 1D+4 hours or until treated with an antidote.
50 cr per clip (3,X)

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