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Section of Site: Buffy RPGBelongs to Faction: Subtype: Some Assembly RequiredEra: Canon: No

The Slayer Lineage

Name Date of Birth Called Active Time of Death Watcher Killed By
Thessily Thessilonikki 507 BC     490 BC Thoas Poisoned running from Marathon to Athens
Diana Roughly 50 BC     38 BC Aulus Her friend Helen who had been turned into a vampire
Kishi Minomoto 965   980 ? Bennin & Lady Ankimonin ?
Eliane Ward
(Eliane de Shaunde)
    1320 1320 Michel de Shaunde Gervais de Shaunde
White Doe (Virginia Dare) 1575   1586 1590   Her lover Seal of the Ocean when he shot a deer
Ildiko Gellert 1594   1609 1609 Kurt Rendor Countess Elizabeth Bathory
Robin Whitby     1661 ? Dr. William Pratt ?
Carissa Avenhaus 1658 1670   1673    
Samantha Kane     1692   Robert Erwin  
Marie-Christine Du Lac     1789   Edmund de Voison  
Claudine     1789-1799ish      
Samantha     1812      
Elizabeth Weston (Edward Weston)     1813 ?   ?
Marie Siegner     1842   Hayward H. Muzzlewit ?
Catherine Hogarth 1828   1843   Charlton Muzzlewit ?
Pauline F. Barnard (Cpl. Frankie Massey)     1864 ? Reed ?
Lucy Hanover     1866     Wanderer of Water
Mollie Prater     1886   Ethan Bentley  
Naayeeneizghani     1891      
Angelique Hawthorne     1897   Prof. Peter van Helsing  
Xin Rong   1899 1900 1900   Spike
Arabella Gish     1912      
Ardita O'Reilly     1922      
Britta Kessler 1906   1923 1923 Friedrich Lichtermann Turned by Erich Sahr
Anni Sonnenblume 1924   1938      
Elizabeth Winters     1943      
Asha Sayre 1939 1953 1956 1956 Laurent Died in an explosion saving a church from Vampires
Nikki Wood 1958     1977 Crowley Spike
Star     1984   Andrew  
India Cohen   1993 1996 1996 Kit Bothwell The Wanderer of Water in San Diego
Buffy Summers 1981 1996   1997 & 2001 &? Merrick (died), Rupert Giles, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Rupert Giles The Master & Raising dimensional barriers
Kendra 1981 2nd June 1997   1998 Sam Zabuto Drusilla
Faith Lehane 1979 12th May 1998     Unknown (died), Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Rupert Giles   
Willow empowers all the Potentials with Slayer abilities 20th May 2003        
Melaka Fray            

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