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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: YUUZHAN VONG WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENTEra: New Jedi OrderCanon: EU

Cloak of Nuun
Type: Full-body-covering Ooglith biot
Effect: +4D Sneak. A being attempting to spot a Yuuzhan Vong wearing a Cloak of Nuun must make a Perception roll versus a Heroic difficulty to see the slight flaws in the cloak (modified by proximity and visibility). Wearers of the Cloak of Nuun will still make noise and be detectable to sensors that do not rely on visual scanners.

Special: Ooglith Biot: Oogliths are a jelly-like creature that conforms to every detail of the wearer's skin. An Ooglith biot bonds with the wearer by inserting tiny tendrils into every pore on the wearer's body; an extremely painful process. A character attempting to don an Ooglith biot must make a Difficult Stamina check in order to supress the pain of putting on or removing the Ooglith. If the Ooglith is torn from the wearer in some fashion, the character wearing it receives 2 damage (unresistable) as the tendrils are forcibly ripped out of the skin, and the character must make a Heroic Stamina check to resist succumbing to the pain.

Special: Yuuzhan Vong Biot: Yuuzhan Vong Biots, like themselves, are completely indetectable through the Force, and cannot be directly affected by it (inderect methods, such as throwing a rock at the biot, still work, but powers such as Lightsaber Combat, Detect Life or Telekinesis do not work).

Description: The Cloak of Nuun was a Yuuzhan Vong biot related to the Ooglith Cloaker. The Cloak of Nuun was covered in a symbiotic layer of photosensitive bacteria. This bacteria had the ability to create an almost perfect 'cloaking' effect; the user was rendered virtually invisible as the bacteria wrapped the user in an almost flawless image of the background. The elite warrior caste, the Hunters, had almost exclusive use of this biot, and used it frequently.

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