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GoCorp/Utilitec WA-7 service unit

GoCorp/Utilitec WA-7 service unit
Hoggon (Human Transport Captain)

Hoggon (Human Transport Captain)
Spence Leffbruk (Human Explorer / Hyperspace Prospector)

Spence Leffbruk (Human Explorer / Hyperspace Prospector)
Clone Commander Doom

Clone Commander Doom

Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Esoomian
Average height: 3 meters
Skin color: Blue-gray
Eye color: Black
Homeworld: Esooma
Attribute Dice: 12D

Dex: 2D/4D
Know: 1D/3D
Perc: 2D/4D
Mech: 1D/3D
Str: 4D/6D
Tech: 1D/3D

Special Abilities:
       Garbled Speech: Esoomians speaking in a garbled manner, this leads to them having a 1D penalty to all attempts at Bargain, Con, Persuasion and Command.

Story Factors:
        Simple Minded: Esoomians are seen due to their inability to speak clearly as somewhat simple minded, and are therefore underestimated and treated poorly.

Move: 10/11

Description: Esoomians were hulking humanoids indigenous to Esooma who bore a strong resemblance to the Zexx. They reached 3 meters in height and were immensely strong, but tended to be simpleminded and to speak in a garbled manner. They were regarded as among the best hired muscle in the galaxy.

During the Galactic Civil War, their homeworld was quarantined by the Galactic Empire; after the Battle of Endor, however, the quarantine was lifted, and Esoomians began seeking work throughout the galaxy.

The bounty hunter Tantor was an Esoomian, as well as the shockboxer Tontruk.

Comments made about this Article!

03/May/2023 08:02:07 Posted by 13

Learn to use a book.
Mr homebrewery!

03/May/2023 10:18:45 Posted by Freddy

It's not just the odd misspelt word. It's painful to read. Your browser has autocorrect, stop thrashing the keyboard and let it help you. Spelling exists for a reason, to make your idea easier to understand. Your current form of communication probably does you a disservice as it makes you look like an absolute idiot, easy to ignore as you apparently can't even form a clear cognitive thought.
It makes it feel as if I'm doing you a service by continuing to speak to you, like it's my care in the community effort, helping the poor low IQ person out, rather than speaking as equals. Make an effort and people will respect you and your opinions more

The entire site is "homebrew" (as it's now called), and everything published for any roleplaying game is just someone's opinion.

I honestly have no idea what your last sentence means!
Is it an allusion to masturbation? Or are you trying to belittle me for being lonely? Or is this a reference to AI and that we could play RPG's with them.

03/May/2023 10:21:55 Posted by Freddy

Learn to write one :D

15/Nov/2023 00:31:48 Posted by Hellstormer1

Hello. Just found this. Could have sworn I did Essomian stats a long time ago for the site based on Tantor (Trantor? It's been so long). Maybe they're still on here somewhere, I'll have to look around.

Anyways, agreed with what Freddy said about 13's writing/typing. It isn't "playing a card" if it's true. Being able to write legibly is key to proper communication. If you act like you shouldn't have to spell things accurately, you are disrespecting the very people you are attempting to talk to (and sway or manipulate into your way of thinking). And if you're going to be that disrespectful to them, then they don't have to respect you in turn.

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