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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: PlacesEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Ringali Nebula
Region(s): Core Worlds, Ringali Shell
Sector: Bormea and Darpa sectors
Grid coordinates: L-9
Trade routes: Perlemian Trade Route, near Hydian Way
Other objects: Galitan

Description: The Ringali Nebula was a dangerous nebula located in the Bormea sector of the Core Worlds. It contained the moon Galitan, which had been ripped apart by the nebula's turbulent forces.

he Ringali Nebula was a nebula that curled around the Perlemian Trade Route at its intersection with the Hydian Way. Several nearby planets included Corulag, Chandrila, Brentaal, Esseles, Rhinnal, and Ralltiir.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Far Orbit briefly entered a skirmish in this area.

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