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Sword Calamity Gundam

Sword Calamity Gundam
Cybot Galactica CLL-series load lifter

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RPG Hints

        First of all I`ve got to say that I was very tempted to call this section "GamesMastery" which I thought was a little lame, and would be a bit overboard of me, since I freely admit that my Gamesmastering is servicable at best. I also considered calling it "Ravings of a demented Mind", which although closer to the truth, still wasn`t quite right since I`m going to use ideas from other people right from the start.

        This section will include adventure ideas, playing and Gamesmastering hints, and also a selection of the House Rules that we use in the games we play.

GamesMastering Tips

Hit The Road

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB.
Images stolen from various web pages I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright resides with the artist).
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.