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Di Mantid (Human Club Goer) | Inquisitor {Golak} (Humanoid Imperial Inquisitor) | Reed (Human New Republic Pilot) | Arakyd Industries Hunter-Killer Probot |
These are the Recipes of, this is part of a long running joke between Freddy and Hellstormer, where whenever Freddy adds a creature stats for the Star Wars RPG to the site, Hellstormer would ponder how it tasted. So I've long suggested we start a cooking section, and here it is.
Porg Casserole |
Bantha Hotpot |
Endor Churi Tacos |
Thala Siren Green Milk Cheesecake |
Tatooine Jerba Shepherds Pie |
Naboo Kaadu Lasagne |
Klatooine Paddy Frog Stir Fry |
Tauntaun Burgers |
Kondoraan Chiffon and Mushroom Risotto |
Andraven Wellagrin Curry |
Tenoo River Qwewt Cakes |
Naboo Nuna Stew |
Wasskah Convor Chasseur |
Ridadi Rangoon |
Naboo Gualaar Rissoles |
Endorian Bordok Koftas |
Endorian Cannok Bolognese |
Endorian Verkle Moussaka |
Eriaduan Rat Jambalaya |
Page designed in Notepad, logo and buttons done in Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Images stolen from various web page I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright however will reside with the artists.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB