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23/April/2024 Posted by Freddy

        Okay, I've added a bunch of new updates to the YT-Designer, new ship parts. But brand new are the New Hulls, so you can have different designs that just the plain disk of the majority of YT class vessels. Now, not all of these look great with all of the additions (adding engines or mandibles designed for the standard disk doesn't look great on some of the other designs of hull), so have a play around and see what works for you.
        New YT-Designer
        And now I'm off to do some more code for something else coming to the site.


Comments made about this Article!

23/Apr/2024 19:38:17 Posted by Otsu

Awesome !!

24/Apr/2024 01:57:38 Posted by Boskov01

I only discovered this site a few days ago and I am loving the tools you've got here for creating freighters and Uglys for Star Wars. The character name generator is awesome too. I've been using the tools for helping to visualize for Star Wars fanfiction I'm writing, creating new characters and ships for the stories.

Have you considered adding the hull/parts for Dynamic-Class and XS-Series freighters (Ebon Hawk and SWTOR's Smuggler character ship).

And can I also recommend an astromech droid designer as an idea?

Keep doing what you're doing my friend, these are some amazing tools.

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