Name: Bo-Katan Kryze
Homeworld: Mandalore
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 1.8 meters
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Green
Skin color: Light
Move: 10
Armour Weapons: 6D
Blaster: 7D
Brawling Parry: 6D
Dodge: 8D
Grenade: 6D+1
Melee Combat: 5D
Melee Parry: 5D
Bargain: 5D+1
Command: 5D+2
Investigation: 4D
Persuasion: 5D+2
Search: 3D
Sneak: 5D
Planetary Systems: 5D+1
Streetwise: 6D
Survival: 6D+2
Tactics: 7D
Willpower: 6D+2
Brawling: 5D
Climbing/Jumping: 5D+1
Stamina: 7D
Space Transports: 6D+1
Repulsorlift Operation: 4D
Starship Gunnery: 5D
Communications: 3D+2
Sensors: 6D
Astrogation: 7D
Capital Ship Gunnery: 4D
Jet Pack Operation: 5D+2
Armor Repair: 5D
Blaster Repair: 4D
First Aid: 6D
Jet Pack Repair: 4D
Security: 3D+1
Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 18
Equipment: 2 x Westar-34 Blaster Pistols (4D), Mandalorian Armour (+4D Physical, +3D Energy, -1D Dexterity), Wrist Lasers (5D), Flame Projector (Range: 1m diameter 1-5m long, Damage: 5D), Jetpack:, Projected Grapple, IR/motion Sensor (+1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets), Sensor Pod:(+2D Search, 25-100m), Gauntlet Blades (Str+2D Damage), Protective Shield (+1D to Parry),Macrobinoculars (+3D Search, 100-500m), Broadband Antenna, Environmental Filter, Grenades
Description: Bo-Katan Kryze was a Mandalorian human female who was the leader of the Nite Owls and a lieutenant in Death Watch, a terrorist group, and later during the Imperial Era, became Mand'alor. During the Clone Wars, Kryze's sister, Satine, ruled as the Duchess of Mandalore, and Kryze sought to undo her pacifistic teachings, believing that Mandalore should take pride in its martial history. After Governor Pre Vizsla of Concordia was publicly exposed as the leader of Death Watch, the splinter group was exiled from the Mandalore system. In 19 BBY, Kryze and Vizsla discovered the Sith Lords Maul and Savage Opress. With the Sith, they plotted to reclaim Mandalore, and through Maul's planning, united several criminal syndicates to form the Shadow Collective. Launching a takeover of Mandalore, Satine's rule was overthrown, and Vizsla took control of the planet.
However, Maul challenged Vizsla, and the Sith Lord defeated him, taking the throne and appointing Prime Minister Almec as a puppet leader. Kryze and a group of Mandalorian loyalists refused to recognize Maul's rule, and they liberated Satine from the royal prison, contacting Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi for help. Due to Mandalore's neutrality, Kenobi was forced to come alone, and he was captured by Maul, who then killed Satine. When Kenobi was brought to the prison, Kryze and her rebels freed the Jedi, and Mandalore was swept into a civil war as Maul's forces fought to reclaim him. Before Kenobi left the planet, Kryze requested that the Galactic Republic be informed of the events, hoping that a Republic invasion would result in Maul's death. Less than a year later, Kryze's desire was fulfilled, and the Republic laid siege to Mandalore, driving Maul from the planet. She then became Lady of House Kryze and Regent of Mandalore. However, she lost her position when she refused to follow the newly appointed Galactic Emperor Palpatine, and Clan Saxon took over.
During the Republic's occupation of Mandalore, the government reorganized into the Galactic Empire, and a new wave of violence claimed the planet. In 2 BBY, Clan Wren of Krownest chose to resist the Empire, leading the Imperial loyalists of Clan Saxon to fight them. These actions threw Mandalore into another civil war. During the war, Kryze encountered Countess Ursa Wren and Sabine Wren of Clan Wren, who were seeking a Mandalorian worthy of wielding the Darksaber and claiming the title of Mand'alor. With the Wrens' approval, Kryze took the weapon and rallied the support of several Mandalorian clans.
Sometime after the Great Purge, Mandalore was left devastated and Moff Gideon had come into the possession of the Darksaber. Around 9 ABY, Kryze formulated a plan to reclaim the weapon from the Moff and return to Mandalore.
Early life
Bo-Katan Kryze was a human female born on the planet Mandalore into House Kryze. Kryze was the sister of Satine Kryze, who affectionately nicknamed her "Bo." They also had a nephew named Korkie Kryze, with whom Satine was very close. Satine eventually became the Duchess of Mandalore, leading the pacifist New Mandalorians. However, Bo-Katan believed in embracing Mandalore's martial past, so by 21 BBY, she joined Death Watch, a radical Mandalorian terrorist group which sought to revive their warring heritage. Within Death Watch, Bo-Katan served under the leadership of Pre Vizsla, former Governor of Mandalore's moon, Concordia, and she faithfully worked as his right-hand lieutenant, also leading the Nite Owls, an elite unit of warriors. However, Death Watch was exiled from the Mandalore system, so Bo-Katan and Death Watch established a temporary camp on Carlac, a snowy planet in the Outer Rim Territories.
The Clone Wars
In 20 BBY, Death Watch was contacted by Lux Bonteri, who had learned that his mother, Senator Mina Bonteri, had been betrayed and killed by Count Dooku, leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Death Watch had also been betrayed by Dooku, and Bonteri, who had gathered information of the count's whereabouts, wished to unite, seeking revenge. Vizsla agreed, and Bonteri traveled to Carlac. When Bonteri arrived, Kryze led a squad of Death Watch soldiers to meet him, verifying that he brought the information. Noticing that Bonteri was accompanied by a Togruta girl, Kryze asked who she was. The Togruta—secretly Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano—claimed to be Bonteri's betrothed. Katan, suspicious of Tano, immediately commented on how skinny Tano was for someone betrothed and thus slapped Tano's backside to make a point of it. Wary of an approaching snow storm, Kryze ordered the squad to escort the new arrivals to the Death Watch camp.
At the camp, Kryze showed Bonteri and Tano to Vizsla's tent. When Vizsla entered, he requested Tano to leave, so Kryze brought the Togruta to a tent for Ming Po women who had been taken from a nearby village. Later, during a feast in the camp's main tent, Kryze stood by Vizsla as Chieftain Pieter of the Ming Po town arrived, demanding that the women be released. Vizsla agreed to return them in the morning, and Pieter left. However, when the morning came, Vizsla killed Pieter's granddaughter Tryla, and Death Watch began to destroy their village. Tano attempted to stop the attack, revealing herself to be a Jedi, so Death Watch apprehended her and dragged her back to the camp.
Back at the base, Vizsla taunted Tano and prepared to execute her. However, Tano escaped her restraints, and Kryze prepared to fight the Jedi. Vizsla told Kryze to stand down, and he engaged Tano in lightsaber combat. Tano received help when a group of refurbished battle droids joined the fight, and Kryze fought off the new attackers, using her blaster pistols to down battle droid 513. During the battle, Tano and Bonteri boarded a landspeeder and fled. At Vizsla's command, Kryze and two other Mandalorians pursued, and the lieutenant landed on the speeder, brawling with the young Jedi. Tano ultimately bested Kryze, and the Mandalorian was kicked off the vehicle. Soon after, Bonteri and Tano escaped the planet.
Maul and the Shadow Collective
Sometime later, Death Watch abandoned their base on Carlac and established a new camp on the moon Zanbar. In 19 BBY, Death Watch located an escape pod drifting through space, so Kryze, Vizsla, and a squad investigated. Entering the pod, the Mandalorians found lightsabers and two unconscious, wounded Zabraks—Maul and Savage Opress, Sith Lords and brothers. Kryze asked if she should kill them, but Vizsla, curious of the pair's origins, ordered the Zabraks to be brought from the pod to a Kom'rk-class fighter. When the two were brought aboard, Kryze piloted the starship through hyperspace, back to Zanbar. Once Maul awoke, Vizsla demanded to know who he was, while Kryze held Opress at gunpoint. Complying, Maul revealed they were Sith Lords and brothers. When Vizsla asked if they had an allegiance to Dooku, the Zabrak replied that they were allied with no one and that they sought revenge against the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi—the same Jedi responsible for Death Watch's exile.
After Maul healed, he met with Vizsla again, and they discussed plans to punish Kenobi and reclaim Mandalore. However, still impacted by Dooku's betrayal, Kryze reminded Vizsla that Death Watch's past alliance with Sith had ended poorly. When Kryze claimed the Sith were no better than Jedi, Maul Force choked the lieutenant, silencing her and stating that doubt would lead to failure. Maul proposed his plan once again, and he released Kryze. As Kryze recovered, Vizsla put Maul's proposal to a vote among Death Watch. Ultimately, the vote decided to join the Sith brothers and liberate Mandalore of Duchess Satine's New Mandalorians.
The first step in Maul's plan was to assemble an army—the Shadow Collective—beginning with the Black Sun crime syndicate. Kryze, Vizsla, and the Sith traveled to the Black Sun fortress on the planet Mustafar. There, the group met Ziton Moj, who took Vizsla, Maul, and Opress to see the Black Sun leaders while Kryze remained with the Death Watch warriors. The talks with the Black Sun failed, so Opress, activating his lightsaber, was forced to execute them, appointing Moj as the new leader and forcing him to join. With the additional forces, the newly formed Shadow Collective returned to Zanbar. Soon after, as Kryze, Vizsla, and Maul reviewed the plan, the camp was visited by the Pyke Syndicate. Their leader, Lom Pyke, greeted the trio, requesting to join their operation. Accepting the offer, Vizsla ordered the Shadow Collective troops to prepare for travel to Nal Hutta, planning to recruit the Hutt Clan.
After arriving on the swampy and rainy planet, Kryze stayed with the ships while Vizsla and the Sith entered Gardulla the Hutt's Palace. The negotiations were unsuccessful, and a brief confrontation broke out between Kryze's Nite Owls and the Hutts' soldiers. Vizsla ordered Kryze to secure the landing platform, and the Hutt forces retreated soon after. Kryze's warriors gave chase, and the lieutenant caught the Hutt crime lord Oruba. Maul demanded to know where to find the other Hutts, threatening the crime lord. Oruba named Jabba's Palace on the planet Tatooine, but Opress killed the Hutt anyway. With the information, the Shadow Collective traveled to Tatooine, where Kryze led an attack on Jabba's Palace, and Maul forced Jabba and the Hutt families to join them. In the fight's aftermath, Vizsla advised Kryze to remain focused, revealing that he intended to betray the Sith brothers once Mandalore was secured.
Takeover of Mandalore
Back on Zanbar, Kryze, Maul, Vizsla, and the other conspirators prepared for the takeover, planning for Maul's Shadow Collective to strike targets in Sundari, Mandalore's capital, in order to make Kryze's Duchess sister look weak. Vizsla complimented Maul's plan, and Kryze agreed. After the meeting, however, Kryze consulted with Vizsla, saying that the plan was too risky, and that the criminals were untrustworthy. Vizsla addressed Kryze's concerns, explaining that after Maul's forces served their purpose, they would be executed. Kryze left to prepare her Nite Owls, and the Shadow Collective embarked for Mandalore.
On Mandalore, the syndicate criminals attacked the specified locations, throwing Sundari's population into turmoil. When Duchess Satine began a speech from the Sundari Royal Palace, Vizsla and Kryze arrived. Vizsla claimed that he was not responsible for the attacks, but that Death Watch would be able to save the city through armed opposition. Satine warned the populace to not listen to Vizsla, but her efforts failed, and the Sundari citizens chanted their support for Vizsla and Death Watch. When Vizsla finished his speech, he and Kryze returned to their ships.
With the support of Mandalore, the Death Watch forces began the next step of Maul's plan, apprehending the groups of Pyke Syndicate and Black Sun thugs throughout Sundari. In the city's Peace Park, Kryze led her Nite Owls to capture a group of criminals led by Moj, and Kryze reassured a trio of scared children. The witnesses of the Nite Owl's actions thanked the warriors, hailing Kryze's forces as saviors. With the city's faux liberation, the population praised Vizsla, and he, along with Kryze and other members of Death Watch, broke into the Royal Palace, arresting the Duchess and the New Mandalorian leaders. Following the arrest, Kryze, in front of the subdued Moj, Opress, and Pyke, gave a speech to the people of Sundari, introducing Vizsla as the new Prime Minister of Mandalore and crediting him with the captured criminals. The crowd responded to the presentation with great enthusiasm, affirming Death Watch's new support.
Later, Kryze brought Maul to meet with Death Watch. When they arrived in the palace, Vizsla stated that the captive Duchess would be used to lure Kenobi to Mandalore, creating an opportunity to kill the Jedi and finish their deal. However, Maul expressed his plans to expand to other star systems, and Vizsla responded by telling the Zabrak that his goals did not matter. On cue, Kryze and the Mandalorians pulled their blasters on the Sith Lord, taking him prisoner. With Maul in shackles, Kryze escorted him to the palace's balcony, where Vizsla addressed the citizens once more, stating that the violence was finally over. When the Zabrak struggled, Kryze clubbed him into submission with her blaster. Again, Vizsla denounced Satine's pacifistic methods, and the crowd chanted his name. When the speech concluded, Maul was imprisoned with his brother, Opress.
However, soon after Maul's imprisonment, he and Opress broke out, also freeing the corrupt, former Prime Minister, Almec. As Kryze and the rest of Death Watch were residing in the Royal Palace, the escaped trio arrived, and the Mandalorians raised their weapons at them. Maul challenged to duel Vizsla for control of Mandalore, and per Mandalorian tradition, Vizsla accepted. At Vizsla's word, Kryze threw Maul's lightsaber to him, and Vizsla ignited his Darksaber, beginning the duel. Without interfering, Kryze and the Mandalorians looked on as the two fought, and although Vizsla was skilled, the Sith Lord ultimately bested him. The Death Watch leader gave his last words, and to Kryze's horror, Maul decapitated Vizsla.
When Maul declared himself as the new leader of Death Watch, Kryze refused to accept his rule, claiming that no outsider would ever rule Mandalore. At Maul's word, the traditionalist Mandalorians took aim at the Nite Owls, and Kryze called them out as traitors. The Sith Lord ordered his loyal soldiers to execute them, and a firefight began. Firing upon her former Death Watch comrades and throwing explosives to provide cover, Kryze and several Nite Owls fled the palace. Later, following Maul's claim to the throne, the Sith Lord reinstated Almec as Prime Minister. Serving as the Zabrak's puppet leader, Almec addressed the citizens of Sundari, claiming that Vizsla had been murdered by Duchess Satine, and that the Death Watch leader had appointed him as Prime Minister.
Civil war erupts
After the narrow escape, Bo-Katan joined forces with her nephew Korkie Kryze and his classmates, Lagos, Soniee, and Amis. With the Death Watch loyalists, the group infiltrated the royal prison, incapacitating the guards and rescuing Satine. Bo-Katan's appearance initially alarmed Satine, but Korkie reassured the former Duchess that she was on their side. When Satine asked her sister why she was helping, Bo-Katan stated that the enemy of her enemy was her friend. Once outside, Satine said that they should contact the Jedi Order for help. However, Korkie explained that the frequencies within Sundari were jammed, so they would need to leave to get a signal through. At Bo-Katan's word, the soldiers boarded Mandalorian speeder bikes and Satine entered an airspeeder with her sister and Korkie.
As the group departed from the prison, they were spotted and pursued by Maul's Mandalorian super commandos. Acting quickly, Bo-Katan ordered her troops to engage them as she defended Satine's airspeeder. Despite Bo-Katan's efforts, the loyalists were overwhelmed, and the speeder was shot, crashing near the city's edge. Leaping from the damaged airspeeder, Satine ran beyond the city limits, sending a signal to the Jedi Order, requesting Kenobi's help. Bo-Katan and the Death Watch loyalists were forced to retreat, and Satine was captured.
Later, Kenobi arrived, and Bo-Katan watched him with interest, tracking the Jedi through Sundari. Soon after his arrival, Kenobi broke into the royal prison, attempting to liberate Satine. However, the rescue failed, and the two were brought before Maul, who killed Satine and ordered for Kenobi to be imprisoned. Devastated by Satine's death, Bo-Katan and her Mandalorian rebels ambushed Maul's warriors as they delivered Kenobi to the prison. Leaping onto the prison's landing pad, Bo-Katan fought Kenobi's escorts with hand-to-hand combat, quickly defeating them. Bo-Katan introduced herself to Kenobi, and she freed him from his restraints, returning his lightsaber and giving him a jetpack. With Kenobi and the loyalists, Bo-Katan blasted away from the prison.
Maul's forces acted to reclaim Kenobi, pursuing Bo-Katan and the rebels through the city. In the ensuing battle, Sundari became blackened by civil war, and Bo-Katan fought alongside Kenobi. Fighting their way toward a Kom'rk-class fighter, Bo-Katan told Kenobi to return to the Republic and inform the Galactic Senate of the events that transpired. Kenobi warned Bo-Katan that doing so would likely lead to a Republic invasion, but the Mandalorian was willing to accept those consequences if it meant the death of Maul and survival of Mandalore. Kenobi realized that Bo-Katan was Satine's sister, and he apologized for her loss, boarding the starfighter and escaping the planet.
Away from Mandalore
In the aftermath of the civil war, Kryze and her Nite Owls continued operations. Kryze also repainted her helmet with new markings. The Nite Owls began to track Maul's movements, assembling data on the former Sith Lord over the course of several months. Sometime later, Kryze and two other Nite Owls, including Ursa Wren, were undercover on Oba Diah for a mission to obtain transmission codes from the Pykes that would help them verify data on Maul's movements. The group noticed the presence of former Jedi and now Pyke prisoner Ahsoka Tano, whom Kryze had previously met on Carlac when she was in Death Watch. Wren discussed Tano's presence with Kryze and they decided to keep an eye on her, stating that they had a common enemy in Maul.
They followed Tano to Coruscant, where Kryze approached Tano in a repair shop on Level 1313. Tano was initially alarmed, but Kryze showing her a hologram of Maul and stated that Death Watch was gone and they now had a common enemy. She asked for Tano's help, and promised to explain everything once they were under way. Tano accepted the offer and left Coruscant with the three Mandalorians.
Siege of Mandalore
After Kryze told Tano about Maul's takeover of Mandalore and his current residence within the capital of Sundari, Kryze and Tano contacted Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to request the Republic's aid in laying a siege on Mandalore. Kryze and Tano arrived a Venator-class Star Destroyer to meet with the two Jedi. Kryze took the lead in the briefing room, informing the two Jedi of her activities in tracking Maul and telling them that she had confirmed that Maul returned to Mandalore two days earlier. When Kenobi questioned why Kryze was coming to them, Kryze told him that they need the Republic's forces to take back the planet and capture him, explaining that she did not have enough forces to effectively lock down Sundari, which would let Maul escape their clutches once again. Although Kenobi reminded that allowing Republic forces to invade Mandalore would break peace treaties and lead to another war, he decided to speak to the Jedi Council on this behalf. Kryze insisted that there was no time to get permission from the Council, angrily stating that her people had suffered long enough under Maul's rule. Kryze, knowing of Kenobi's affections for her late sister Satine, angrily asked the Jedi if he still loved her, to which the Jedi replied he still did, but would not allow his feelings cloud his judgment before leaving to speak to the Council. Once Kenobi left, Kryze told Tano that she thought it was a bad idea and that they were wasting their time talking with the Jedi before she left the room with several Nite Owls. However, Kryze's wish for a Republic invasion was fulfilled. A division of the Grand Army of the Republic, led by Tano and the newly promoted Clone Commander CT-7567 "Rex," laid siege to Maul's forces.
A large invasion force consisting of several gunships and Komrk-class fighters began to deploy their forces. Kryze was contacted by Prime Minister Almec, who demanded to know the meaning of the invasion. Kryze retorted that they knew Almec was only a puppet leader and that they were there to end Maul's rule once and for all. Kryze fought alongside Tano as they made planetfall, driving back Maul's Mandalorian warriors. As Tano begins to search for Maul, Kryze warned her that they could not afford a long siege of the city. Kryze then led her warriors into the throne room, where Kryze defeated Almec in combat and captured him. When her interrogation led Almec into admitting that Tano and her men were walking into a trap in the Undercity, Kryze tried to warn them but failed to reach them.
As the fighting dies down, Kryze and Tano met with Obi-Wan Kenobi via hologram in the royal palace. Kryze listened closely as Tano and Kenobi discussed the Sith, with Kenobi saying that the Jedi Council believed that the Sith known as Darth Sidious had orchestrated the Clone Wars. When Tano requested reinforcements, Kenobi revealed that he had been tasked with pursuing General Grievous to Utapau. Kryze and Tano then went to interrogate Almec, but before he could reveal anything, he was assassinated by Gar Saxon. Kryze took off using her jetpack to pursue him and engaged him in single combat, blocking his flamethrower with her power shield. However, Saxon did damage to her jetpack, preventing Kryze from pursuing Saxon as he fled back into the Undercity.
Later, the clones evacuated the citizens of Sundari into shelters. Kryze reminded Tano that the people will not accept a prolonged confrontation and neither will she. When Rex retorted that she asked for their help and that his men did not want to be a police force anyway, Tano calmed them down and reassured Kryze that they would finish the fight and leave Mandalore to deal with the aftermath and give Kryze her chance to lead. Returning to the throne room, they are surprised to see Maul sitting on the throne. Kryze quickly charged him, but Maul incapacitated her with ease using the Force. As Tano began to duel the renegade Sith Lord, his forces begin to attack the clones. Kryze and her warriors joined the battle. After Rex and his men arrest Saxon, Kryze led a group up to the position where Tano continued to duel Maul. Maul was outmaneuvered by Tano and two Mandalorian warriors used cables to tie him up before Rex stunned him.
As Maul and his super commandos were taken into custody, Kryze congratulated Tano on capturing Maul. Tano told her that she learned from the best, including her. Kryze stiffened, saying that she wished she was good at something besides waging war. Tano said that Mandalore could use a new kind of leader, but Kryze again responded and stated that her sister had been that leader and that she had never understood her idealism. Kryze and Wren later transferred Maul over to Tano after imprisoning him in a Mandalorian vault, a capsule that was designed to imprison Jedi. Tano was impressed by the vault, which Kryze described as an ancient relic that was used in a time that they needed to imprison "Force-wielding maniacs." Parting ways on good terms, Kryze and Tano shook hands as the former Jedi and her forces departed the planet, with Tano trusting in Kryze's ability to rule the planet.
Age of the Empire
Using the remaining Republic forces stationed on planet, the Empire began an occupation, causing another wave of violence to erupt throughout Mandalore, with the proud warriors refusing to acquiesce to the Empire's rule. When Bo-Katan refused to do the Empire's bidding, she was betrayed by Clan Saxon and forcefully abdicated from her place of power. Clan Saxon pledged loyalty to the new Empire, and Gar Saxon became the Imperial Viceroy and Governor of Mandalore.
New allies
Nearly two decades later, in 2 BBY, Clan Wren of Krownest chose to resist the Empire, and the Imperial loyalists of Clan Saxon fought them. Countess Ursa Wren killed Saxon, and Mandalore entered another civil war. Around 1 BBY, Kryze encountered Countess Ursa Wren and her daughter, Sabine Wren, who were seeking a Mandalorian worthy of wielding the Darksaber and claiming the title of Mand'alor.
Kryze and her Nite Owls played an important role in defeating Imperial forces during a skirmish at a Mandalore prison outpost. After exchanging greetings, Sabine offered the Darksaber to Kryze, who turned it down because she believed that she had failed as Regent. Bo-Katan later joined Sabine's Clan Wren forces and allies from the Spectres rebel cell in rescuing Sabine's father Alrich Wren from an Imperial convoy. Despite the success of the raid, their victory was overshadowed by news that Ursa Wren's forces had been wiped out by an Arc Pulse Generator. The Arc Pulse Generator, nicknamed the "Duchess," was capable of reacting with the beskar alloy inside Mandalorian armor; incinerating the wearers and leaving only charred armor behind.
Kryze followed Sabine and her rebel comrades to the site of the battlefield, where they discovered charred Clan Wren armor and disintegrated bodies. Despite the carnage, they found that Ursa and her son Tristan Wren had survived the massacre. The group were then attacked by Imperial Super Commandos and three TIE fighters. Fortunately, one of Kryze's Gauntlet-class fighters arrived and the Mandalorians and rebels were able to evacuate. When the Gauntlet's weaponry jammed, Kryze and Sabine's Jedi friend Ezra Bridger donned their jet packs an engaged the two remaining fighters. Kryze and Ezra managed to destroy the two TIE fighters, allowing the rebels to escape.
When Kryze learned that Sabine had created the "Duchess," she was enraged and chastised the younger woman for creating a weapon that would target Mandalorian armor, which she considered an abomination that only a coward would make. When Sabine explained that she had constructed the Duchess as a young and idealistic Imperial cadet, Kryze reluctantly accepted her explanation. After landing at Kryze's camp, Kryze backed Sabine when she offered to atone for her role in creating the Duchess by helping to destroy it. The Mandalorians and rebels came up with a plan to infiltrate Governor Tiber Saxon's Star Destroyer. While one team would destroy the weapon, the other team would delete its records from the Imperial database. During the meeting, Kryze and the surviving Mandalorian Protector Fenn Rau confided that Sabine had strong leadership potential.
Kryze and the Mandalorian and rebel forces infiltrated Tiber Saxon's Star Destroyer, which was hovering above the Mandalorian capital of Sundari. Despite being spotted by Imperial sentries, Kryze and Sabine managed to make their way to the upper level, where the Duchess was being stored. However, the two were ambushed by Tiber Saxon, who electrocuted the two women with the arc pulse generator. Threatening Kryze's life, Tiber forced Sabine to bring the weapon to its fullest capacity. When Saxon's Captain Hark objected to his methods, Saxon zapped him along with the other two with the Duchess. Sabine complied but then reprogrammed the Duchess to target anyone wearing stormtrooper armor including Governor Saxon. Sabine swore vengeance against Saxon and toyed with killing him. However, Kryze warned Sabine that killing her enemy would make her little better than the Empire and that she should fight with true honor like a Mandalorian. Heeding the older woman, Sabine used the Darksaber to slash the arc pulse generator's power core, setting off a chain reaction that destroyed the Star Destroyer. Kryze along with the Mandalorians and rebels managed to escape to safety before the ship was destroyed.
Upon returning to her camp, Sabine told Kryze that she had proven herself as a leader. While Kryze was uncertain, Sabine and her mother reassured her that there were people willing to follow her. The Wrens were joined by representatives from other clans including Vizsla, Rook, Eldar, and Fenn Rau, the last surviving Mandalorian Protector. With the approval of the people, Kryze took the Darksaber and the mantle of leader, rallying the support of Clan Wren's forces and her own Nite Owls.
Great Purge
Believing Mandalore would never submit to their control, the Empire instead launched the Great Purge against the Mandalorians. Kryze and her people fought in the conflict, but it still ended with the genocide of most Mandalorians. Additionally, Kryze eventually lost possession of the Darksaber. It ended up in the hands of the Imperial Security Bureau officer Gideon.
After the Empire
During the New Republic Era, Kryze led fellow warriors Axe Woves and Koska Reeves on the ocean moon of Trask. Kryze and her companions were intent on reuniting the scattered survivors of the Great Purge and eventually reclaiming Mandalore. By around 9 ABY, they met the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin and his foundling, known as "the Child," seeing the two under attack by a group of Quarren aboard a trawler. The three Mandalorians used jetpacks to quickly land on the ship and take out the Quarren and save Djarin and the Child.
Djarin told them that he was hoping to find a Mandalorian covert and return the Child to the Jedi. However, as the three Mandalorians took off their helmets, Djarin angrily dismissed them after realizing they did not follow the Way of the Mandalore. Kryze told him that her armor had passed down for three generations, that she had been born on Mandalore, and had fought in the Great Purge. To Djarin's astonishment, Kryze revealed that he was one of the Children of the Watch, a cult of religious Mandalorian zealots that broke away from Mandalorian society to pursue the re-establishment of the ancient Way of the Mandalore. Not believing her to be a true Mandalorian, Djarin left and returned to the port.
Kryze and the others blew up the vessel they were on and eventually met up with Djarin again, saving him from another group of Quarren. Kryze insisted they buy Djarin a drink. Inside the local inn, she convinced Djarin to aid them on their mission to steal weapons shipments from an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser that belonged to Moff Gideon’s Imperial Remnant. In exchange, Kryze promised to give Djarin information about the location of the Jedi. The group sat on top of Djarin's ship, the Razor Crest, as Kryze showed him the ship they would be targeting.
Kryze and the others infiltrated the ship, with the Nite Owls making short work of the stormtroopers. Kryze led them into the cargo hold and secured the weapons shipments. However, Kryze communicated with the Imperial officer on the bridge, stating they were coming up to hijack the ship. When Djarin complained about Kryze changing their deal, Kryze taunted him by uttering the mantra "This is the Way," telling him that if he wanted her information about the Jedi, he would help her take the ship. As they attempted to storm the bridge, they were pinned down by a force of stormtroopers and the Imperial captain began to alter the ship's course as to crash it and prevent a successful raid. However, to Kryze's surprise, Djarin charged them, absorbing many hits and throwing detonators that killed the last of the troopers.
As Djarin and Reeves realigned the ship's course, Kryze interrogated the captain about the location of the Darksaber. The captain sneered at her, saying that if she was asking then she already knew, before committing suicide through use of a suicide pill. Kryze was angry that she could not interrogate him further but was more pleased with the success of their mission. She offered Djarin a place among them despite the differences in their creeds, but Djarin declined, with Kryze telling him that her offer stood if he ever changed his mind. Keeping her word, she told the bounty hunter that he could find Ahsoka Tano in the city of Calodan on the planet Corvus. As Djarin began to leave, Kryze watched him go before turning her attention to the cockpit and her fellow Mandalorians.
Sometime later, Djarin arrived at Calodan and tracked down Tano to a forest outside the city. He was promptly ambushed by Tano and was forced to combat her until he invoked Kryze's name and stated his intention to talk to her to convince her of his neutrality.
Combating Gideon
Djarin later tracked down Kryze to ask for her help in retrieving Grogu from Moff Gideon. Djarin and his companion Boba Fett approached Kryze and Reeves to ask for their help, but Kryze began to pick a fight with Fett, saying that he was a disgrace to his armor because he was not a Mandalorian. After Fett made threats, Kryze coldly stated that she had heard his voice thousands of times since he was a clone, and after Fett retorted, Reeves attacked him. Kryze broke up their scuffle and decided to accept Djarin's request when she learned that Djarin knew the location of Gideon and his light cruiser. She made Djarin promise that she take the Darksaber from Gideon, to which Djarin responded that his only priority was rescuing Grogu. She and Reeves joined Djarin's party, which included Fett, Fennec Shand, and Carasynthia Dune.
The group met and Kryze formed a plan to get them inside, using information from Doctor Pershing, who was their prisoner. Using a stolen Imperial shuttle, Kryze would lead Reeves, Dune, and Shand to the bridge while Djarin would slip away and rescue the child. Piloting the shuttle towards the cruiser, Kryze hailed the ship to request an emergency landing as Fett, piloting Slave I, pretended to attack them. Kryze's request was denied, but she nonetheless landed on the ship and stormed out with the others, killing large amounts of Imperial forces before taking the bridge. However, they failed to discover Gideon there. Kryze waited on the bridge with the others until Djarin arrived with Gideon in his custody. Realizing that Djarin had defeated Gideon in combat, Kryze realized that the bounty hunter had unintentionally claimed the Darksaber as his own. As Gideon taunted Kryze, Djarin offered her the blade, but Kryze refused to take it in such a manner. Djarin attempted to yield, not wanting to cause a fight, but Kryze did not accept. Just then, Gideon's dark troopers, who Djarin had dealt with by ejecting from the ship, boarded and advanced towards the bridge. As the group prepared for a fight in which they were greatly outnumbered, an X-wing starfighter docked on the ship.
Kryze and the others watched on the bridge monitors as the Jedi Luke Skywalker strode out to combat the dark troopers. The Jedi defeated the troopers with relative ease before meeting them on the bridge, where Skywalker invited Grogu to come train with him. Djarin had an emotional goodbye before Skywalker and his droid R2-D2, the same droid that Kryze had encountered twice during the Clone Wars, thanked him and departed.
Personality and traits
Kryze was a human female with short red hair, bright green eyes, and light-colored skin, and she stood at a height of 1.8 meters. Her haircut was reflective of traditional Mandalorian style of hard angled lines. She was born on Mandalore into House Kryze, and she was the sister of Duchess Satine, who nicknamed her "Bo." Kryze was a member of Death Watch, and she believed in restoring Mandalore's traditional heritage, even at the expense of her sister's rule. In Death Watch, Kryze was confident and sardonic, serving as Vizsla's loyal lieutenant. When Bonteri and Tano met with Death Watch on Carlac, Kryze assessed the Togruta, slapping her and judging that she was too skinny.
Despite her loyalty to Death Watch, Kryze had reservations concerning Maul and Opress. When Maul killed Vizsla and took the throne, Kryze refused to recognize the Sith Lord's claim to power. With the remaining Mandalorian loyalists, Kryze started a rebellion on Mandalore and attempted to liberate Satine from the royal prison. Kryze believed that the enemy of her enemy was her friend, so although she disliked the Jedi and Sith alike, Kryze joined forces with Kenobi after Maul killed Satine. The death of her sister overwhelmed Kryze with grief, showing she loved her sister despite any differences in ideals. She was determined to end Maul's rule of Mandalore, even if it required a Republic invasion. During their time working together, having realized Maul was a common enemy, Tano and Kryze put their differences aside, and the former Jedi Padawan even trusted that Kryze would justly rule Mandalore.
Following the Clone Wars, Kryze became regent of Mandalore. Due to her opposition to the Empire, she was betrayed and overthrown by Clan Saxon, who aligned themselves with the Empire. This caused her to deem herself unworthy to assume the Darksaber and the mantle of leadership over the Mandalorians and thus Kryze refused to accept the Darksaber, stating she was not the leader Sabine sought and even went as far as to state that Satine was a more qualified leader than she was, showing that Bo-Katan had been humbled enough that she even came to see the pacifistic ways of her sister as being the better one.
Nevertheless, Kryze was quick to help her fellow Mandalorians to fight against the Empire when Clan Wren rebelled and after succeeding in repelling the Empire from Mandalore and destroying the arc pulse generator known as the "Duchess," which she naturally held in utter disgust as she saw it as an abomination because it turned Mandalorian armor against its wearers by reacting with their beskar alloy, and was particularly outraged by the fact that it was named by her late sister, she accepted the Darksaber in order to unite the Mandalorians as their leader, with Sabine and Ursa recognizing that though Kryze may not be her sister, she was still a leader worthy to lead Mandalore.
Kryze was initially hostile towards Sabine for her role in creating the Duchess, but she respected the younger woman's willingness to atone for her actions. Kryze also became a mentor for Sabine and cautioned her against descending to the Empire's level by killing Tiber Saxon with the "Duchess." Kryze recognized that Sabine had potential for leadership but ultimately relented when Sabine insisted she lead Mandalore.
Years after losing control of Mandalore, Kryze was still intent on reclaiming her homeworld and continued to lead others to accomplish this. She also sought the Darksaber to legitimize her rule. Despite Din Djarin being a Child of the Watch, Kryze was still grateful for his help and offered him a place among them.
Skills and abilities
A former lieutenant in Death Watch, Kryze was a fierce and deadly Mandalorian warrior, extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat and ranged weaponry. During her rescue of Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mandalore, she was able to single-handedly defeat multiple Mandalorian fighters at once, using their own weapons against them. She was also able to hold her ground against formidable force-sensitive opponents such as Ahsoka Tano. During the Siege of Mandalore, she quickly dispatched multiple of Maul's Mandalorian super commandos in quick succession, in an effort to subdue Almec. With her skill set, Kryze led the Nite Owls, a group of Mandalorian warriors within Death Watch. After the Siege of Mandalore, Kryze remarked to Tano that she wished that she was good at something besides war. She was a capable leader, but after her past failures, was reluctant to attempt to lead again despite insistence from Sabine Wren.
As a member of the Nite Owls, Kryze wore blue-and-white Mandalorian armor, Mandalorian vambraces, and a Z-6 jetpack. In combat, Kryze notably wielded dual WESTAR-35 blaster pistols, a wrist laser, dart launchers, gauntlet blades, a grappling line and a combat shield. She also received the Darksaber from Sabine Wren.