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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: River Qwewt
Designation: Non-sentient
Classification: Reptilian
Skin color: Green
Eye color: Black
Distinctions: Leaf-like antennae, Wide head
Homeworld: Tenoo, Yamradi
Habitat: Forests

Dexterity: 2D
Perception: 3D
Strength: 1D

Special Abilities
         Sharp Nip: River Qwewt are fairly defenceless, but are capable of defending themself with only a snap from their mouth which does Str damage.
         Antennae: River Qwewt have short antennae which help them detect air currents around them alerting them to any predators, giving them +1D to detect any moving target.

Move: 5
Orneriness: 2D

Description: A species of reptilian found on the forest planets Tenoo and Yamradi.

Recipes including this creature

Tenoo River Qwewt Cakes

Comments made about this Article!

17/Nov/2023 01:32:00 Posted by

I found on the Wookiepedia that these creatures are called River Qwewt.

24/Nov/2023 10:06:35 Posted by Freddy

Names are coming out for a few of the things I covered earlier in the series. I've updated this one as well as Taborr Val Dorns starship (The Iron Talon).

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Stats by FreddyB, Descriptive Text from WookieePedia.
Image copyright LucasArts.
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