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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Krinnan
Hair color: Blue
Homeworld: Kindosorn
Habitat: Jungle

Dexterity: 4D
Perception: 2D
Strength: 1D

Special Abilities
         Beak: Krinnan have a small beak which they can use when threatened or scared, doing Str+1D damage in combat.
         Arboreal: Krinnan are great climbers and runners, gaining +2D to skill rolls for either.

Move: 14

Description: Krinnan were a species the roamed the jungle of Kindosorn.

Comments made about this Article!

06/Jun/2024 03:31:23 Posted by

The animal looked familiar, so I did some checking. It's the same as the Geejan, and you've previously created stats for that creature. I think you need to check the comics again to find out if you've mistakenly given two different names to the same creature.

06/Jun/2024 03:31:27 Posted by

The animal looked familiar, so I did some checking. It's the same as the Geejan, and you've previously created stats for that creature. I think you need to check the comics again to find out if you've mistakenly given two different names to the same creature.

06/Jun/2024 08:39:46 Posted by Freddy

Yes indeed.
The Geejan now seems to have disappeared from Wookieepedia, which was my source for the name of the species. So I've changed the listing for Geejan to Unofficial. But I think I made Geejan and Krinnan different enough to keep the separate listings rather than merge them.
This does raise a concern in me of the accuracy of Wookieepedia as a source, as in the past I always considered that the dozens of people working on the site would have access to more accurate sources than me, so I relied upon them.

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Image copyright LucasArts.
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