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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: MandaloriansSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Demagol (Antos Wyrick / Rohlan Dyre)
Died: 3963 BBY, Osadia
Species: Zeltron
Gender: Male
Hair color: White; previously red
Eye color: Red
Skin color: Red
Partner(s): Sibyl
Children: Chantique
Affiliation(s): Mandalorian Crusaders, New Generation Academy, Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, Cargryph Capital Management (Undercover as "Rohlan Dyre")

        Armor Weapons: 6D+1
        Blaster 6D+2
        Brawling Parry 5D
        Dodge 7D
        Bureaucracy 6D+1
        Intimidation: 7D
        Languages 5D
        Planetary Systems 5D+2
        Scholar; The Force: 5D
        Scholar; Genetics: 6D
        Streetwise 5D+2
        Survival: 5D
        Bargain 5D+2
        Command 6D
        Con 9D+1
        Disguise: 5D
        Persuasion 4D+2
        Brawling 6D+2
        Climbing/Jumping 5D
        Astrogation 4D+1
        Communications 4D+2
        Jet Pack Operation: 7D+1
        Repulsorlift Operation 6D
        Sensors 4D+1
        Space Transports 4D+2
        Starship Gunnery 4D+1
        Starship Shields 3D+2
        Armor Repair: 5D
        Computer Programming/Repair: 5D+2
        First Aid: 8D+1
        Space Transports Repair 5D
        Security 4D+2

Force Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 6
Dark Side Points: 7
Character Points: 20
Move: 10

Special Abilities:
        Attraction Pheromones: Exuding special pheromones and with limited telepathic abilities, Zeltron increase their persuasion skill +1D.
        MInor Telepath: In a direct Perception vs Willpower test, Zeltrons can read a targets emotions, their ability to send emotions is covered by their Persuasion bonus above.
        High Metabolism + Second Liver: Zeltron have naturally high metabolisms, which somewhat leads to their reputation as hedonists, as they tend to eat and drink to slight excess. However their high metabolisms mean that except in very rare cases they remain in good physical condition, and shrug off the effects of intoxicants quickly.

Story Factors:
        Gullible: Zeltron have a reputation for being extremely gullible, which given their minor telepathic abilities seems unlikely, it is more likely that their natural instinct to make people happy made them play along with anyone trying to trick or con them.
        Familiarity: Their natural attractiveness, and minor telepathic powers led to
a tendency to look familiar to other people, even if they had never met them.
        Hedonists: Because of their high metabolisms and second liver, Zeltron generally eat and drink to what seems like excess to other species, but is natural and required by them to maintain a health weight and feel any effects of intoxicants. This led to them getting a reputation as hedonists, especially given their friendly and highly sexualised behaviour.

Force Powers:
        Control: 3D
        Sense: 4D
        Alter: 3D
Force Skills: Demagol was untrained, and used various powers instinctively, throwing opponents across rooms, shield himself and Jarael from the heat of a star, and masking his Force Sensitive Nature from Jedi. The Gamesmaster may use any power in a way that appears natural.

Equipment: Heavy Blaster Pistol (5D), Comlink, Mandalorian Armour (2D vs Physical, 1D vs Energy), Jet Pack

Description: Demagol, born Antos Wyrick, was a male Zeltron scientist who joined the Neo-Crusaders during the Mandalorian Wars. During his childhood, Wyrick was captured by Iskalloni slavers from whom he learned his infamous surgical techniques. Subsequently released by a Mandalorian raid, the young Zeltron was taken into Mando'ade culture and trained in martial arts by Mandalore the Indomitable himself. In 3996 BBY, after the Duel on Kuar and the victory of Ulic Qel-Droma over Mandalore, Wyrick became fascinated by the Force and its mechanisms. Having stolen the robe of the Arkanian Jedi Master Arca Jeth in Ulic's affairs during the Great Sith War, the scientist began experimenting with a hair found in the clothes of the disappeared master at the end of the war.

After the war, Wyrick became engaged to a Zeltron woman and had a child with her, whom they named Chantique. He was also the master of a mysterious school on Osadia, in which Chantique and Edessa were pupils. When the school was destroyed by the Crucible, Wyrick was crushed. Wyrick later became a Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, under the alias of Doctor Demagol, and served as Mandalore the Ultimate's lieutenant with Cassus Fett during the Mandalorian Wars. After the capture of Flashpoint Station by the Mandalorians, all Jedi prisoners were sent there to be studied by Demagol, in hopes of finding the secret of their powers to negate and/or replicate them, not understanding the complexity of the Force.

When Zayne Carrick, a fugitive Jedi Padawan, arrived at Flashpoint intending to free Jarael, as well as the Jedi there, Demagol switched armor with Mandalorian Rohlan Dyre, whom he drugged in a coma, and joined Carrick under this guise. Dyre, falling into a coma, was transferred to Coruscant. Demagol traveled with Carrick and his crew, showing an interest in Jarael, whom he believed was actually Edessa. Eventually Jarael left Carrick's company, and Demagol followed her, revealing his true identity. He manipulated Jarael and Chantique into a duel to reveal Jarael's true abilities. During the fight, Chantique attacked her father, and he countered with Exar Kun's lightsaber, which killed both of them.

Personality and traits
Fascinated by the power of a Dark Jedi while being unknowingly Force-sensitive himself, Wyrick's ultimate dream was to train a group of Mandalorian Knights via his twisted science. He established New Generation Academy, which were said to model after Arca Jeth's praxeum on Arkania by Rohlan Dyre, and assume the position of the academy's headmaster, professor and as himself proclaimed, "Protector".

He also proved to be a crafty manipulator, experienced medic, and last but not least, a powerful combatant. Before and during his role as "Rohlan Dyne", Demagol outsmarted, if not overpowered, numerous veterans including the real Rohlan, Jedi Knight Alek, Goethar Kleej, and Bar'injar in personal combat. As Rohlan, he proved to be a great asset to Zayne and Jarael for being both Mando warrior and medic.

"Demagol" was a contraction of demar agol, meaning "to carve flesh." In later years, Sergeant Kal Skirata stated that the name Demagol could be translated either "sculptor of flesh" or "butcher."

Though not a warrior nor a commander in Mandalore's army, Demagol enjoyed a high status among the Mandalorians and was regarded as a rival by Cassus Fett. He was also believed to have been among Mandalore the Ultimate's advisers. However, he refused to don Neo-Crusader armor.

Aside from Mando'a and Basic, Demagol could speak multiple alien languages, such as Arkanian, Bocce, Bothese, Durese, Ithorese, Miralukese, Rodese, Selkath, Shyriiwook and Snivvian. Zayne Carrick referred to him as a sociopath.

Comments made about this Article!

04/Nov/2024 21:05:18 Posted by

Con: disguise is a specialization of con and should have higher dice than con.

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